
Akiko Nakazawa

Project Associate Professor

Division for Active Learning and Teaching

Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX),

Graduate School and College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan


  • 2010

    Ph.D. Human Sciences (Educational Technology) Osaka University

  • 2007

    M.S. Human Sciences (Educational Technology) Osaka University

  • 2005

    B.A. Human Sciences (Educational Technology) Osaka University


  • 2007/4-2007/7

    Teaching Assistant, Institute for Higher Education Research and Practice, Osaka University

  • 2007/4-2007/8

    Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University

  • 2007/10-2008/2

    Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University

  • 2008/2

    Research Assistant, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University

  • 2013/1/31-2013/2/27

    Visiting Researcher, McGill University, Teaching and Learning Services

  • 2010/4/1-2014/11/15

    Project Assistant Professor, Division for Active Learning and Teaching, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX), Graduate School and College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo

  • 2014/4-2014/9

    Part-time Lecturer, School of Network and Information, Senshu University

  • 2014/11/16-2016/6/30

    Project Assistant Professor, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, the University of Tokyo

  • 2015/4-2015/9

    Part-time Lecturer, School of Network and Information, Senshu University

  • 2016/7〜2020/9

    Assistant Professor, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, the University of Tokyo

  • 2017/3- present

    General Incorporated Association Open Education Laboratory, Director

  • 2020/10- present

    Project Associate Professor, Division for Active Learning and Teaching
    Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX), Graduate School and College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo



  • 2005/5-present

    Japan Society for Educational Technology

  • 2005/3-present

    Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education

  • 2020/11-present

     Japan Association for College and University Education

  • 2008/8-2014/8

    ISTE(International Society for Technology in Education)